My eldest son, Isaac, is 5 and loves maths (he is legally obliged to). We play Numbots each day, but he wanted a way to practice these skills without the time pressure. So, together, we built these little games using Claude.
I will add to these as Isaac encounters new concepts.
I hope you find them useful.
Bubble splat
- Number bonds to 10
- Number bonds to 20
- 2 times table
- 3 times table
- 4 times table
- 5 times table
- Near-doubles to 20
- Subtract 1 or 2 within 20
- Halving numbers
Early number calculations
- Words and numerals
- Odd and even numbers
- Number square
- 1 more and 1 less
- 10 more and 10 less
- Number bonds
- Doubles and near-doubles
- Greater than or less than
- Times tables
- Coins and notes
Geometry and measures
- Hangman – random words
- Hangman – themed words
- How many syllables?
- Vowel or consonant?
- Spelling Challenge
- Is it spelt correctly?
- Word finding challenge
- Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives
Other subjects
Just for fun
Games for Jacob (who is 2)
Games for Kate (who is older than 2)
- Hangman – song titles
- Hangman – movie titles