
Start with whoever got 8 out of 10

More tips from Tom Sherrington

Video transcript

okay what about tip number three okay this is this is a really top tip for creating a culture of error and normalizing being wrong and flushing out error so it’s it’s called start with whoever got eight out of ten so it doesn’t have to be eight out of ten exactly because it doesn’t matter how many questions but it’s the idea that if you’ve given a quiz with 10 possible answers 10 questions and then you’ve gone through the answers you don’t start by saying who got them all right because if you do that none of them are wrong so there’s nothing to talk about and also everyone else who didn’t get them all right is feeling a little bit oh okay i better look at it so many people got them all right if you say right so who got eight out of ten michael how did you get on he’s good he’s put his hand up he said brilliant well done so which one should you get wrong and you go straight in with that and he’s quite happy to say oh i didn’t get number seven all right so why why what happened what did you put oh do you what tell me what you think the answer is now then yeah okay yeah great well done and can you explain it back brilliant and what else did you write number ten okay that’s good and did who else got eight out of ten susan okay all right so the same okay what else brilliant so that’s another one did everyone else get one wrong then and we’ve got people go meet me because it’s become normalized and they all and the 8 out of 10 are happy to tell you they got them wrong and then you can you go through a few wrong answers it’s the what you’re trying to do anyway and then you say and who got they don’t get them all right oh well done guys that’s brilliant and then that’s at the end because you still give them some affirmation but it’s not the it it’s the it’s the easiest way of students feeling safe to tell you got answers wrong and i just think that works so well and that if you don’t have a culture where children can say stuff they got wrong they hide it and they can make it really hard for you to find out and you don’t want to hide that you want them to tell you and that that’s and it’s just a you know just one of the things i found works really well that’s so lovely that time because again i’m just thinking back to the errors i’ve made with this so i’ve done it both ways around so if it’s a quiz out of ten i’ve either said right let’s start at the bottom anyone get zero out of ten anyone get one out of ten and that’s a disaster weight into offer because no one wants to be the first kid to put their hand up but then yeah if you do it the other way around and you start at the top again once those first initial hands have gone up you’re feeling pretty rubbish if if you haven’t had a chance to put your hand up yet you’re waiting for it to slide down to your level so i love that and i love the fact it it draws out those initial mistakes kids have made and then it becomes yeah like you say normalizes the exact phrase i love that that’s really nice really nice that