Maximising the participation ratio during independent practice

Many lessons I watch go off the rails when it comes time for independent practice as students take the opportunity to take a cognitive break.


  1. What challenges do you face when you ask students to work independently?
  2. What strategies do you employ to overcome this?


In many of the lessons I watch, the participation ratio drops after the We Do.

Up to this point in a lesson, the teacher has been keeping close tabs on students:

  1. Do Now: Students do this in books, but then share their answers on mini-whiteboards
  2. Atomisation: The assessment of atoms students have met before, and the teaching of new atoms, all take place on mini-whiteboards
  3. I Do: Regular checks for listening and the opportunity for rehearsal via a Turn and Talk
  4. We Do: Step-by-Step checks on mini-whiteboards

There is no hiding place for students, so they have to keep cognitively engaged in the lesson.

But when the time comes for independent practice – whether that practice is in the form of Conslidation, Purposeful Practice or Problem-Solving – the opportunity for students to take a cognitive break is all too tempting.

Solution steps

Let’s look at some steps we can take to reduce the chance of this happening.

Part 1: The relationship between student interest and cognitive load

Research suggests that low motivation can be a source of cognitive load. Specifically, when students work on easy tasks they find uninteresting, they may need to invest additional mental effort to stay on task. Thus, they may struggle with a task and stop participating not because they cannot do it but because their attention reserves have been drained trying to stay on task.

The implication is not to focus on engagement in activities at the expense of content – that was the single biggest mistake I made in my first 12 years of teaching, when my students would regularly think hard about cutting and sticking instead of mathematics, or every question would be shrouded in some dodgy real-life context designed to appeal to students’ interests. We remember what they think about, so we want our students to think hard about the mathematics at the heart of the Learning Episode. However, attempting to avoid unnecessary boredom when choosing tasks feels like a worthy aim.

For example, have a look at the following tasks, all of which are designed to give students practice in negative number operations:

Task 1:

Task 2:

Task 3:

Task 4:

Task 5:

Rank the tasks in order of:

  1. The quality of consolidation practice
  2. Likely student interest

Which one(s) would you use in a Learning Episode with your students, and in what order?

Part 2: Give clear instructions

Okay, we have considered our students’ interest levels when choosing a task. What comes next?

A common occurrence in lessons I watch is when the teacher sets their students off on a consolidation activity, and immediately, several hands shoot into the air. There are two key reasons this happens:

  1. Students lack the mathematical knowledge to access the questions. This could be because:
    • The activity does not match the content of the I Do and We Do
    • The explanation during the I Do was unclear
    • Students were not listening during the I Do
    • The teacher did not adequately check for understanding during the We Do

2. Students have not listened to the instructions

The first issue – a lack of student knowledge – requires diagnosing where the problem lies. Once you know the cause of the issue, you will find the steps to solve it in various sections of this website.

Let’s fix that second issue – students not listening to instructions. Here are some steps to solve the problem, many of which are discussed in greater detail on the Checking for Listening page.

1. Get silence

When giving instructions, you need the students to be silent. Many teachers use a narrated countdown to achieve this:

  1. I need your attention in…
  2. 3… stop your conversations
  3. 2… pens down
  4. 1… looking at me
  5. Thank you

2. When giving instructions, don’t try to do something else at the same time

Don’t hand out books or worksheets, and don’t circulate the room. You want students’ attention to be on your instructions, not anything else.

Instead, stand in a position in the classroom where you can see all students, be seen looking, and speak:

For more information, visit the first section of the Checks for Listening page, and read Adam Boxer’s excellent blog post.

3. Don’t give out or reveal the task until after you have given the instructions

As soon as you give out or reveal the task, that is where students’ attention will go. Hold this back until the very last minute, holding their attention on what they need to do before they start thinking about actually doing it.

4. Give clear, concise, numbered instructions

Waffley instructions are difficult to follow. Reduce the number of words you give and assign numbers if appropriate.

  1. First, write the title of “Practice” in your books
  2. Second, start on Question 6
  3. Third, do so in silence

5. Check for listening

Don’t rely on poor proxies for listening, such as a roomful of quiet students. Instead, check students have listened to your instructions:

  • Which questions are we completing?… Jamie… Great, thank you…
  • Where are we completing them?… Rose …Absolutely…
  • Everyone, after 3, what’s the noise level whilst we’re completing them?… 3, 2, 1… SILENCE!

6. Write the instructions down if they are complex

Verbal information is transient, and we don’t want students’ attention being taken up unnecessarily thinking about what they should be doing during Consolidation – we want them doing it. So, once you have checked for listening, make the instructions visible on the board so students can refer to them.

7. End with “Ready… (dramatic pause)… Go!”

The ‘ready?’ builds a sense of anticipation. The teacher scans to ensure stillness. False starts are to be playfully stopped. On the cue, ‘Go‘, everyone moves together. It feels like a team rowing in unison.

8. Use the Instruction Sandwich

A structure I love for giving instructions that ties all this together comes from science teacher Pritesh Raichura. He calls it the Instruction Sanwhich:

  1. The top slice of bread: “3,2,1 SLANT” Scan to ensure 100% attention. “When I say ‘go’ and not before…”
  2. The filling: “Take your seats and then SLANT” or “Pass out the sheets that are at the end of each row” or “Whiteboards and pens out” or “Clear your desks and back in SLANT” or “Stand behind your chairs, tracking me”.
  3. The bottom slice of bread: “Ready?” Dramatic pause and scan. “Go! 10, 9, 8 super speed from [Lewis]… 3-2-1-SLANT” Scans deliberately.

9.  Play the “Repeated Instructions” game

Adam Boxer has a game called The Repeated Instructions Game. You start the day with 10 points. Every time you have to repeat an instruction, you lose a point. The rationale is that if an instruction needs repeating, it can only be because students have not been listening. The goal is to get to the end of the day with points still in the bag. Getting through period 1 might be a more realistic goal to start with.

Part 3: Plan the first 3 minutes

After giving instructions and setting their students off on an activity, I see teachers make two mistakes.

The first is not to circulate. Teachers remain rooted to the front of the classroom, perhaps occasionally glancing and interacting with the students near them, while the students towards the back of the class drift off task, either through confusion or a lack of incentive.

The second mistake is more subtle. When teachers set students off on a task, they immediately circulate. Their intentions are good. They want to ensure students get off to a good start and pick up on any early problems. But every single time I watch teachers do this, the same thing happens: both the noise level and the number of students off-task rises.

As I learned from Adam Boxer, the silent, focussed atmosphere at the beginning of a period of independent practice is incredibly fragile. All it takes to break it is a movement or a word from the teacher.

The solution is to develop a routine for the first 3 minutes of independent practice. Here are the steps of that routine:

Step 1. Thank students in advance for their behaviour

Frame positive behaviour as if it has already happened.

  • Thank you for getting on with the task in silent, independent mode
  • Thank you for setting your work out neatly
  • Thank you for trying every question, even if you are finding it tricky

Students are less likely to break a norm if they believe it is already established.

Step 2. Stand where you can see everyone and be soon looking

Immediately move to a position in the classroom where you can see everyone. This is not the front-centre of the room as students at the edges will fall out of your peripheral vision. Instead, move to one of the corners. This is know as Pastore’s Perch:

Once there, be seen looking. Crane your neck and stand on tip to make exaggerated movements so students know you are actively checking that they are on task.

Step 3. Wait for Golden Silence

After you have thanked students in advance for the behaviour you expect, shut up. Any more words risk shattering the fragile silent atmosphere. Instead, hold out for about 30 seconds for Golden Silence.

Adam Boxer explains this well:

If you give the students a bit more time to work in silence, they will be in that place of absorption in the task. They will become engrossed and focussed, and less liable to distraction. At that point, the silence is strong and robust, and you can give it a little push and it won’t buckle. I call this kind of silence Golden Silence – when students are quiet and engrossed, and small distractions won’t throw them.

If a student raises their hand to ask a question, gesture for them to lower it, signalling you will come over in a minute.

Step 4. Don’t draw attention to negative behaviour

If students are off-task, use the least intrusive form of correction. I work my way through this list from top to bottom:

  1. A look
  2. A non-verbal gesture – a shake of the head, a finger on the lips
  3. Walk towards them a few steps
  4. A quiet word
  5. An anonymous public pronouncement – “some people are slow getting started here”

Step 5. If needed… narrate the positive behaviour

If many students are off-task, it is important to establish the norm of being on task. A good way to do this is to narrate the positive behaviour to draw students’ attention to what they should be doing. When doing so:

  1. Be public – say it loud enough for everyone to hear
  2. Be specific – state the exact behaviour you are expecting
  3. Use names if appropriate – Ben is working in silent, independent mode, so is Sophie
  4. Strive for a critical mass – keep naming students who are meeting expectations until you have a critical mass of students doing so. At this point, thank them and keep quiet.
  5. Be specific

Step 6. If needed… stop the class and reset

If Step 5 is not working, stop the class, ask students to empty their hands, and look at you. Remind them of the instructions and expectations. Have one or two students repeat these back to you. Then, start the process again from Step 1.

Part 4: Circulate strategically

After a strong start to a practice task, it is time to circulate.

Circulation is important for three reasons:

1. To check for effort

Students specialise at giving the impression they are working, when really they are busy tricking.

This student had his pen in his hand for the full 10 minutes of the task. But this is what his book looked like:

This student was writing for the full duration of the task. This is what his book looked like:

Circulation can help you identify students who are busy tricking and provide a disincentive for them to do so.

2. To judge the time needed for a task

Often, I see teachers announce that students have, say, 7 minutes to complete a task, but that is either nowhere near enough time or far too much time.

This Do Now was scheduled to take 5 minutes:

At the end of that time, not a single student had got beyond Question 2:

Because the teacher did not circulate, she remained unaware of this and went through the answers as if everyone had completed the task.

3. To identify problems

Skilful circulation will allow you to identify problems encountered by individual students or shared by several.

For example, it was through circulation that this teacher was able to identify Question 2 was causing her students problems:

She decided to stop the Consolduation section to address the issue to the whole class.

Let’s look at some steps we can take to make circulation during the Consolidation phase of a lesson as effective as possible:

1. Make sure you don’t have blackspots

Teachers rarely allocate equal time to each student when circulating. Sometimes, this is for very good reasons—perhaps a student was off the previous lesson, or the teacher has identified that they struggled during the We Do. But more often, it is due to classroom geography.

I did a heat map of where two teachers spent their time during circulation in two different classrooms.

  • Green = the teacher stopped to look at the work
  • Yellow = the teacher gave the work a glance as they walked past
  • Red = the teacher walked past the desks but did not look at the work
  • Black = they never walked past the desk

Classroom #1:

Classroom #2:

Typically, students in middle rows and those close to a wall get visited the least during circulation.

You can avoid this by:

  1. Adjusting your classroom layout to ensure you can physically get to all desks
  2. Having a predetermined route around your classroom that visits each desk

2. Observe the work of your strongest students first

When determining your route around the classroom, it is worth calling in at some of your strongest students first. There are two reasons for this:

  1. They are likely to have made the most progress and so will have work for you to give feedback on
  2. If they are going wrong, there is a good chance other students will be going wrong, so you can intervene

3. Decide what you are looking for in advance (and only look for one thing at a time)

Ensure your circulation has a purpose. Choose something to look out for, and make this your sole focus to ensure you don’t get distracted.

Your focus could be:

  1. To check if students have started?
  2. To see if students have followed instructions?
  3. The answer to a specific question?
  4. To determine how far students have got?

Then, choose a different focus for the next circulation.

4. Be clear about how you want work set out

When giving instructions, it is worth explicitly showing students how to set their work out. Otherwise, you will need to spend more time at each student’s desk trying to locate and decipher their answers.

A model of excellence that all students can see is a good way to do this.

5. Use Book-to-Board: Circulation

It can be challenging to check for understanding when circulating because students write small:

Or cover their work:

Or are at different points in an exercise:

You can improve your ability to check for understanding during circulation by asking students to copy their final answer for each question they complete on their mini-whiteboard and leave this visible on their desks:

As you circulate, you can quickly compare your final answers to theirs. If all is well, keep circulating. But if you spot a difference, you can interrogate their work into their book.

6. Carry your answers around with you

You don’t want to constantly try to work out the answers to the Consolidation questions as you go from desk to desk. This will take time and divert your attention, especially if the exercise is complex. Carrying their answers around with you, ideally complete with working out, allows you to compare your final answer quickly—and the working out if needed—with those of your students.

7. Make physical notes as you circulate

Don’t try to hold everything in your working memory as you circulate. Instead, make physical notes so your full attention can be focused on what is happening in the moment.

Make physical notes of:

  1. Interesting wrong answers
  2. Tallies of answers
  3. Examples of excellence

I make these notes on a mini-whiteboard, which I carry around for reasons that will be revealed shortly!

8. Plan your decisions

What will you do if one or two students make a mistake? What if several students make the same mistake? What if their behaviour is not what you expect? Plan these decisions out in advance when you have the headspace to do so.

Psychology teacher, Paul Cline, has a great diagram for this:

9. When talking to a student, step back

There is a danger that stopping to speak to a student during circulation takes you out of the game, especially if you crouch down at their desk. This could provide a golden opportunity for other students to wander off-task unnoticed. Instead – if appropriate – take a step back from the students’ desk. You will still be close enough to hear the and give them the on-eto-one support they need, but still a presence on the class to head-off any undesirable behaviour.

10. Develop a model for student interactions when they need help

Here is the 5-step structure I use when supporting students during circulation:

  1. Start with specific praise – find something tey have done well
  2. Then, give a precise next step – explain it and model it
  3. Check for listening – have they heard what you said?
  4. Check for understanding – can they apply what you have said to a follow-up question?
  5. Return to check later – have they retained what you said?

11. Use a mini-whiteboard to aid student interactions

I find a mini-whiteboard the ideal tool to help improve my interactions with students when circulating. Mini-whiteboards have the advantages over books in that:

  1. The space to write is bigger
  2. Any writing is non-permanent – mistakes and neatness don’t matter as much, and you can rub out specific bits
  3. There is no sense of ownership – the mini-whiteboard is a shared space

You can use the mini-whiteboard in the following ways:

  1. Show me how you got that answer…
  2. Watch me model…
  3. You try…
  4. What happens if I change this number?…

12. Use 3:30:30

This structure for circulation comes from Teach like a Champion and goes like this:

  1. 3 minutes: Watch the class from Pastore’s Perch, using least intrusive form of correction
  2. 30 seconds: Circulate and support
  3. 30 seconds: Observe from Pastore’s Perch
  4. Cycles through the 30s

13. Don’t be afraid to stop the practice

If you have the same conversations with several students, it is more efficient to stop the whole class, address the issue, and reset. Here are some scenarios in which you may choose to do this:

  1. Behaviour is not meeting expectations
  2. Confusion over instructions
  3. Confusion over a question
  4. Common error
  5. A key insight to share

14. Use Book-to-Board: Quick check

I often use a technique to stop a class during Consolidation called Book-to-Board: Quick check.

Perhaps the teacher has spotted a couple of students making the same mistake and wants to determine how widespread it is quickly. Or, perhaps the teacher wants a quick spot-check to determine how students are getting on. The teacher could get students’ attention using a narrated countdown and say something like:

Sorry to interrupt you. I know you are all on different questions, but please quickly copy your final answer to Question 2a onto your mini-whiteboards and hover when you are ready… show me in 3, 2, 1…

Three broad scenarios may result:

  1. Everyone has got it… so tell students to keep going
  2. Some students have got it correct and others haven’t… so let those students who have got it carry on, and – depending on the number involved – go through the question with the other students at the board or in a small group
  3. Most students are confused… so intervene at a whole class level.

15. If all is going well, just shut up

I could not shut up for about 12 years of my teaching career. Students would be working well, and I would mess things up by saying things like:

  • Great work everyone…
  • Remember to set your work out neatly…
  • Question 3 is a tricky one…
  • Don’t forget to…
  • Bradley is doing great…

These comments sound harmless enough, but there are three issues:

  1. You get fooled into thinking students have listened
  2. Noise begets noise
  3. Interruptions leave a wake

You have worked hard to establish a silent, focused atmosphere. Enjoy it.

Part 5: Give all students a calculator

This next part is just for maths teachers, and as a trigger warning, it may be a little controversial…

Once upon a time

Last week, I observed a Year 10 bottom set being taught how to add and subtract fractions with different denominators.

By the end of the lesson, around half the students could successfully add 2/5 and 3/4, whereas the other students would forget the procedure’s vital steps and thus get the question wrong. Chatting to the teacher afterwards, she said, with sadness, that the half who can do it now will also have forgotten it by next week.

Looking at the Primary Maths Programmes of Study, students first encounter adding and subtracting fractions where one denominator is a multiple of the other in Year 5, and then adding any two fractions (including mixed numbers) in Year 6. So, this group of students has been taught the same thing for five years and still cannot do it.

This is a problem I see – and have experienced with my students – time and time again. It is a problem not limited to adding and subtracting fractions. Students are taught key procedures repeatedly, yet, to everyone’s frustration – because, believe me, the students feel this as acutely as we do – it does not stick.

Why does this happen?

Many teachers put this down to a memory issue: these students – the ones in the bottom sets – simply cannot retain the steps of these procedures.

But I am not so sure.

I had the privilege of sitting next to one of the Year 10 students throughout the lesson. She was kind enough to talk me through her struggles and let me take photos of her mini-whiteboard.

Her first area of difficulty was finding the lowest common multiple. Here is her board when doing so for 2/5 + 1/4:

This took her just under two minutes to complete. She was fine with the 5-times table, but as you can tell from her rubbing out, the 4s stumped her. I watched her count in steps of 4 on her fingers. Sometimes, she started counting on the previous number instead of counting jumps, so she ended up one number short.

Not only did this take time, it also sapped her attention. Hence, when she finished her list, she couldn’t recall the next step: finding the lowest number that appears in both lists.

Things continued in this vein in the next step of the procedure, where students had to multiply the numerators to create a pair of equivalent fractions:

Here, she has made two mistakes on the right-hand side: what to multiply by and what the resulting numerator is. She explained that she wasn’t very good at timesing.

When we corrected this, I had to remind her what to do for the next step of the procedure – add the numerators of the two fractions – even though the teacher had gone through a similar example a few minutes ago.

I hypothesise that the issue is not some inability of a certain type of student to retain information. It is because students’ attention has been diverted away from what they need to be thinking about – the steps of the procedures – because so much attention needs to be expended on the arithmetic. As we know from Dan Willingham’s workmemory is the residue of thought. So, if students do not think hard about the procedure to add and subtract fractions, then it is little wonder that they cannot retain it.

So, what is the solution?

I think there are three things teachers can do.

First, students need to be taught meaning and not just procedures. However, the students in this lesson had. When I asked the girl I sat next to about her past experiences with fractions, she could remember being shown diagrams (that turned out to be bar models), and had used manipulatives for other concepts. Despite this, her arithmetic skills still got in the way.

Second, keep the numbers as simple as possible. 2s, 5,s and 10s are usually safe bets. This strategy is good for all classes and topics, but especially for students who struggle with arithmetic and procedures with multiple steps. Increase the complexity of the numbers to the levels students would typically meet in an exam only when the procedure’s steps have been automated and so require less attention.

Third, give students a calculator and let them use it whenever they want. Interestingly, I suggested this to the member of SLT who was watching the lesson with me, and her response was: But adding fractions is going to be on the non-calculator exam paper, so students need to practice doing it without a calculator.

This is the wrong way to think about it. Let’s take it to the extreme and suppose that, given enough attention to arithmetic, students arrive at the exam able to do things like 4-times table and basic multiplication, giving it little thought. That knowledge is useless because they have not given sufficient attention to the procedures where they need to apply these skills, so they can’t answer any of these questions.

Instead, if we allow students to use their calculator whenever they like – and openly encourage it – students offload the burden of doing the arithmetic. They can dedicate more of their attention to the steps of the procedures – both the order and why they are doing them. Thus, when they take the exam, their arithmetic may still not be where it needs to be, but because they can recall the steps of the procedure, they have a better chance of success.

There is a second reason to encourage regular calculator use. Students who most need a calculator are often the least proficient in using one. Anyone who has marked calculator papers at GCSE will see low-achieving students use written methods for multiplications that they could just put in their calculator. Repeated practice is the only way to build this much-needed awareness and proficiency.

Of course, we need to be careful. To take the adding fractions example, we want students to use their calculator to support them in doing the individual steps of the procedure – listing multiples, multiplying numbers to find equivalent fractions – and not just typing 2/5 + 1/4 and getting the answer immediately. But we can ensure this by checking each step of the process on mini-whiteboards and insisting on full working out.

One final point. A calculator should play a key role in all maths lessons for all students, regardless of the topic. Let’s imagine we have a top set doing the adding and subtracting fractions lesson. They will not need to use a calculator to do each step of the procedure because multiplication facts have been automated to such an extent that they require little attention. However, these students should be encouraged to check their answers using their calculators – so, type in 2/5 + 3/4 and see if the calculator agrees with them. This serves two purposes: it builds calculator proficiency and makes checking answers more efficient than students having to wait until the end of the lesson.

In summary…

When students learn a new idea, we want as much of their attention to be on that idea as possible. If a lack of arithmetic skills will divert their attention away from thinking hard about the idea, offload that attention by giving them a calculator.

Part 6: Use The 4-2 approach

How should students work during practice phases? In many of the lessons I see, the teacher either asks students to work in silence or allows collaboration at any stage.

The pros of each approach are the cons of the other: Silent work means all students have to think hard, but they may get stuck and cannot benefit from collaboration. Conversely, collaboration at any time means students can let their partner do all the thinking. Both risk a dip in the participation ratio.

My favourite way for students to work during practice – whether it be Consolidation, Purposeful Practice, or Problem-Solving – is via the 4-2 approach. This involves:

  • 4 minutes of silent, independent work
  • 2 minutes of paired discussion
  • And repeat

Research suggests that engaging students in effortful thinking for continuous stretches of time can improve their cognitive endurance. I find 4 minutes is enough time for students to make some progress on their own, so they have work to compare and questions to ask, but not so long that they get stuck and frustrated.

2 minutes is enough for a focused, productive discussion but not long enough for those discussions to drift off-task.

A visible timer is an excellent way to increase their focus.

If students are not used to working silently, those first 4 minutes will feel more like 4 hours, so feel free to adjust accordingly. But strive to increase the period of focussed independent work over time.

Part 7: Get data from all students when going through answers

I think going through the answers to independent practice – especially Consolidation exercises – is one of the least thought-through phases of a lesson, and as a result, one of the least effective. Here are two things I see regularly:

  1. Teachers project the answers up at the end of a lesson and instruct students to tick the ones they got right and correct the others, often with a purple or green pen. Sometimes these episodes end with a toke: “Hands up if you got them all correct”
  2. Teachers laboriously go through the answers one at time, Cold Calling or asking for volunteers.

In each case, ask yourself how easy it would be for a student to get away with a lack of effort or a lack of understanding and the teacher not pick up on it. The participation ratio often plumments.

I have sat through countless Consolidation phases that end in this way and watched students—who are fully aware of what will happen next—wait patiently for the answers to appear so they can fill them in and adorn their books with loads of lovely ticks.

Here are two ways to improve things:

  1. Book-to-Board: Critical question

A good way to solve this is to use our good friend, the mini-whiteboard using a technique I call Book-to-Board: Critical question. Here is an example of it in use:

Students had been consolidating their understanding of rearranging equations:

At the end of the Consolidation phase, the teacher said:

Just before I project the answers, can you please copy your final answer to Question 4 nice and big onto your mini-whiteboards

Two common answers emerged:

The teacher then used Book-to-Board: Step-by-Step:

So I can figure out where you have gone wrong, please write your first line of working on your mini-whiteboards…

The teacher then diagnosed the issue and intervened before projecting the rest of the answers on the board for students to self-assess.

2. Ask: Who got 8/10?

We do not have time to do Book-to-Board for every question of a practice exercise, so we need a way to identify if there are any problems we have missed.

One option is to say: Does anybody have any questions about any of the other questions?

The issue here is that the very studetns who you most need to tell you where they are struggling are often the very studetns who lack the confidence to share their struggles in front of their peers.

Tom Sherrington suggests an alternative approach: Ask, “Who got 8/10? – If the task has a different number of questions, ask for the equivalent proportion of correct answers.

8/10 is a good score, so students are happy to tell you they got it.

Let’s say a student, Mo, raises his hand. First, congratulate Mo —8/10 is a good score. Then ask, “What questions did you get wrong, Mo?” Mo is happy to tell you this because he is feeling successful.

8/10 is the sweetspot. Students who got more correct questions have fewer wrong answers to share. Students who got less than 8/10 have too many issues and are less likely to want to share them.

Let’s say Mo got Question 7 wrong. We then ask who else got Question 7 wrong. Because other students have seen Mo struggle, they are more willing to admit that they are also struggling with this question.

You can repeat this by asking Mo what other question he got wrong, or throw it out to the class now, as more students are likely to come forward with their issues.

Let the number of raised hands indicate how widespread the issue is, and then determine whether you have time to address it now or later.

Implementation planning

Here are the ideas we have discussed:

Use these ideas to complete the prioritisation exercise here.