Multiple-choice diagnostic questions are one of my favourite ways to check for understanding. I love them so much that I first built a website to house them called Then, I co-founded an assessment platform built on them called Eedi.
- Diagnosis
- Evidence
- Solution steps
- Use case 1: Challenge students to get a diagnostic question correct
- Routines
- Thinking time
- Seeing the responses of all our students
- How to respond?
- Make sure students know the correct answer
- Two extra checks for understanding
- Use case 2: Challenge students first to answer the question without the choice of answers
- Use case 3: Challenge students to explain the wrong answers to a diagnostic question
- Use case 4: Challenge students to make the wrong answers correct
- Use case 5: Challenge students to generate the wrong answers to a diagnostic question
- Use case 6: Challenge students to create their own diagnostic question
- Use case 7: Challenge students to reverse engineer a question
- Want to know more?
- Implementation planning
- What role do diagnostic questions play in your teaching?
- What is your process for asking them and collecting in the information?
- How do you respond to the data?
What is a diagnostic question?
All the multiple-choice questions I write have the same structure: one correct answer and three wrong answers, each designed to reveal a specific mistake or misconception.
Of course, there are other types of multiple-choice diagnostic questions, such as those with more wrong answers, multiple correct answers, or those where the correct answer is subjective. These may be more suited to different subjects.
In this section, I will focus on the structure of the diagnostic questions I use. So, feel free to adapt my strategies accordingly.
What things can diagnostic questions assess?
Broadly speaking, diagnostic questions can assess three different aspects of understanding.
1. Factual recall
Can students recall a fact or relationship?
2. Procedural
Can students correctly carry out a given procedure?
3. Conceptual
How secure is students’ conceptual understanding?
Why are diagnostic questions a good way to check students’ understanding?
There are several reasons:
- We see the responses of all our students. This gives us a more reliable sense of our class’s understanding than if we relied on a volunteer or Cold-Called.
- We quickly get a sense of understanding. Diagnostic questions are quick to ask and quick to see our students’ responses, far more so than circulation or even using mini-whiteboards.
- We learn from the wrong answers. Our students’ wrong answers tell us something about the specific nature of their misunderstanding, which helps us respond appropriately.
- We can do interesting things with the wrong answers. As we shall see, the thinking does not need to stop with the correct answer to a diagnostic question.
- Variety. It is good for students to experience a wide range of means of participation, including Cold Call, mini-whiteboards, and Turn and Talk, each challenging our students in different ways. Diagnostic questions fit nicely into this group.
Why are diagnostic questions a good way to check students’ understanding?
Here are a few times you might choose to use a diagnostic question to assess your students’ understanding:
- During a spaced retrieval Do Now. We could start our lesson with, say, four diagnostic questions based on concepts students have encountered in the past to reduce the chances of them forgetting.
- To assess relevant prior knowledge. We are about to teach a new idea and so use some diagnostic questions to ensure the foundations are secure.
- Following an explanation. After a teacher-led model, we can ask a diagnostic question to see how much our students have picked up before we set them off on consolidation work.
- As a hinge point. Part way through a lesson we can ask a diagnostic question to see if our studetns’ understanding is secure enough for us to move onto the next phase, or whether they need more time and support.
- As an Exit Ticket, at the end of a lesson, we could ask a diagnostic question to gauge the progress our students have made and inform us of where the next lesson should start.
- In a homework or Low-Stakes Quiz. You may choose to use diagnostic questions in written assessments as an alternative to open-response questions.
What makes a good diagnostic question?
Not all diagnostic questions are created equally. Here are some things to look out for when writing or selecting diagnostic questions:
- There should be no ambiguity in either the question or the answers
- They should not be multi-step as it is hard to identify where the misconception lies
- Each choice of wrong answer should reveal the specific nature of a child’s misunderstanding
- It should not be possible to get the question correct for the wrong reasons
Here are some examples of diagnostic questions that break these rules:
The intended correct answer is B. But C is also correct.
With no markings on the diagrams, you could argue none of the answers is correct. But assuming we are to go by inspection, A, B and C are valid answers.
A student could get the correct answer of 4 by working out the mean or the median.
None of the calculations gives the correct answer apart from A. So, what is the question assessing? Can students work out addition problems or interpret what numbers need to be added?
Solution steps
Once we have selected or written a good diagnostic question, and chosen an appropriate time in our lesson to use it, the next challenge is to consider how to use it.
Use case 1: Challenge students to get a diagnostic question correct
This is by far and away the most common use case, so it needs special attention.
I am a great believer in the power of habits and routines. Here is the routine I teach my students for answering diagnostic questions, along with the justifications for each step:
- Think in silence… so you can fully concentrate
- You can do working out if you like… to help organise your thoughts
- Think about the answer and rehearse how you would explain it… so you are ready to share with the class
- Don’t look at anyone else’s working… as I want to know what you think so I can help you if needed (everyone needs help sometimes)
- Only show your me your answer when I ask… so everyone has a chance to think for themselves
Thinking time
This will depend on the complexity of the question, but generally speaking, the thinking time for most diagnostic questions I ask in maths is:
- Between 5 to 10 seconds to think of the answer
- About 10 seconds to internally rehearse the explanation
- TOTAL ≈ 20 seconds per question
Seeing the responses of all our students
Seeing the responses of all our students is one of my key principles for checking for understanding, and one of the main reasons I like using diagnostic questions.
Here are some options:
1. ABCD cards
These come in a variety of formats. Make sure the letters are coloured differently to distinguish between student choices in a large class easily.
An alternative to handing out ABCD cards is to stick them to books and ask students to orientate their book to indicate their choice:
2. Use mini-whiteboards
Mini-whiteboards have the advantage that students can also do their working out on them. But they have the disadvantage that it can be hard to see students’ answers:
So, if using mini-whiteboards, be clear how you want students to display their answers, or they will choose themselves:
3. Use fingers
Students may forget their homework or their exercise book, but they rarely forget to bring their fingers to class. Hence, you can quickly check for understanding without the need to give out any equipment by asking students to raise one finger for A, two for B, and so on.
Voting on fingers has a few issues, though! First, distinguishing between students’ choice of answers can be tricky. Second, it is very easy for a student to switch their answer. Third, some students have been known to display rather less than appropriate gestures on their fingers, like this football crowd whom I can only pressure are voting A to a diagnostic question:
4. Use technology
There’s a wonderful world of technology for collecting student responses. Plickers is probably the most well-known.
Three things to be aware of if using technology in this way:
- Technology issues – whether they be hardware, software, or wifi
- Time – does using the technology actually save you time versus something like ABCD cards? If not, what extra benefit is it bringing you?
- The message – as soon as students are aware their answers are being recorded somewhere, the incentive to cheat or opt out increases
5. Heads down
Here is science teacher and podcast guest, Pritesh Raichura, getting his students to respond to a diagnostic question:
Here are three benefits of collecting responses in this way:
- You don’t need to give out any equipment
- It reduces the flow of information for the teacher
- It is much harder for students to copy each other
How to respond?
Once we have seen the answers of all your students, we need to respond. Here, I use my model of responsive teaching, focussing on three broad scenarios:
If we find ourselves in the middle scenario where some students know the answer and others do not, it is important to ask students to explain the reasons behind their choices. This can happen during a turn-and-talk or via Warm Call. Students giving explanations helps develop their verbal reasoning and allows you to diagnose whether students are guessing or if their understanding is secure.
Make sure students know the correct answer
However, you choose to res[ond, make sure at the end of it that students are aware of what the correct answer is. This is always important following a check for understanding, but particularly so in the case of multiple-choice diagnostic questions where you will likely have spent time discussing and thinking about the wrong answers.
Research suggests that feedback can reduce the likelihood of students remembering the wrong answers. That feedback does not have to be written. The authors recommend: an indication of accuracy (correct/incorrect), a re-presentation of the question, the response the student selected, and the correct response.
This can be achieved in the classroom by physically crossing out the wrong answers and/or circling the correct answer.
Two extra checks for understanding
Two extra checks for understanding you can quickly ask when you have seen your students’ responses are:
1. Ask students to write their reasons. Mini-whiteboards are good for this, and the answers can often be revealing:
2. And now tell me… Give students a follow-up question based on the question they have just answered.
For example, this teacher asked their students to give two features of the perpendicular bisector that they have just correctly identified:
Use case 2: Challenge students first to answer the question without the choice of answers
Research suggests that asking students to guess the answer before showing them the options improves memory and recall. The participants in the study were challenged to translate words, so there is no guarantee that the same effect transfers to mathematics or any other domain, but it is worth a go. We hope to research this on our Eedi platform in the future
Use case 3: Challenge students to explain the wrong answers to a diagnostic question
I have a mantra regarding diagnostic questions: the thinking doesn’t need to stop with the correct answer. Sure, students can explain why B is the correct answer. But can they explain why someone else might think D is the correct answer? Furthermore, how would they convince that person that their answer is wrong? This is a good challenge to give to a group of students whilst you support the rest of the class, or to give to everyone if they get the initial question correct.
Use case 4: Challenge students to make the wrong answers correct
This one works particularly well in maths. Once we have established that the correct answer is B, we can again focus on the incorrect answers. This time, the challenge is to change the question as little as possible to correct one of the incorrect answers. As little as possible is the key. It taps into one of the key principles of variation theory, changing one key element, holding everything else the same, and observing its impact on the solution.
So, how little can students change the question so C is the correct answer? Some may go for What is 10 times 43? Others may opt for What is 10 more than 420. Again, this can be a worthy challenge for a group of students or the whole class.
Use case 5: Challenge students to generate the wrong answers to a diagnostic question
Here, we can use the Derring Effect, whereby deliberately committing errors even when one already knows the correct answers produces superior learning than avoiding them, particularly when one’s errors are corrected.
So, we can present students with the question without the four possible answers and ask students to generate plausible wrong answers for the question (alongside the correct answer). Students can swap answers with their partners and explain their reasoning. Then, the big reveal can come when we show students the original choice of answers.
Use case 6: Challenge students to create their own diagnostic question
This is a step up in challenge from the previous option. Students must generate a question, the correct answer, plausible wrong answers, and reasons for those answers. This makes a fantastic Exit Ticket, homework assignment, or assessment question, allowing students to demonstrate the depth of their understanding.
Use case 7: Challenge students to reverse engineer a question
This is a fun one. You tell students the topic – in this case mental addition – show them the four answers, indicate the correct one, and challenge them to think what the original question was. Again, they can swap ideas and justifications with their partner before the big reveal.
Want to know more?
For thousands of maths multiple-choice questions, check out our Eedi Quiz page, and for questions for all other subjects, check out
Implementation planning
Here are the different ways of using diagnostic questions we have discussed:
- Answer the question correctly
- Answer the question without the choice of answers
- Explain the wrong answers
- Change the question
- Generate the wrong answers to a diagnostic question
- Create your own diagnostic question
- Reverse engineer the question
Use these ideas to complete the prioritisation exercise here.