Research summaries

I have used NotebookLM to summarise research papers that have influenced my thinking and practice. Click on a link to:

  1. Read a summary of the paper
  2. Listen to a deep-dive podcast
  3. Read a breakdown of the key insights for teachers
  4. Read a quote from the paper

The danger with any summary is that you take it as a complete representation of the paper. I have provided a link to the original paper so you can do your own digging.


Making changes to our practice

  1. Teaching Practice: A Cross-Professional Perspective
  2. Professional Development & Cognitive Load
  3. Practice-Based Teacher Education Pedagogies Improve Responsiveness
  4. Modelling evidence-based practice in initial teacher training
  5. EAST – Four simple ways to apply behavioural insights

Motivation and engagement

  1. Achieve and thrive: A research-based guide to pupil motivation and engagement
  2. Intrinsic Motivation and Achievement in Mathematics in Elementary School
  3. Extrinsic Rewards and Intrinsic Motivation in Education
  4. The role of rewards in motivation—Beyond dichotomies
  5. The influence of seductive details in learning environments with low and high extrinsic motivation
  6. The effect of clarity on learning: impacting motivation through cognitive load
  7. Development of a systematic humor pedagogical framework to enhance student learning outcomes 
  8. Narrative characteristics of captivating secondary mathematics lessons

Explicit instruction

  1. Project Follow Through
  2. Theory of Instruction
  3. Why minimal guidance during instruction does not work
  4. Exploring the Foundations of Explicit Instruction
  5. Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction
  6. Learning about learning
  7. The Components of Direct Instruction
  8. Developing Curriculum for Deep Thinking – The Knowledge Revival
  9. Testing the meshing hypothesis in prospective teachers
  10. Seating arrangements that promote positive academic and behavioural outcomes
  11. The Opportunity Makers: How a Diverse Group of Public Schools Helps Students Catch Up — and How Far More Can
  12. Improving educational outcomes in America

Cognitive load theory

  1. Cognitive Load Theory: The story of a research programme
  2. The transient information effect
  3. The Moderating Role of Interest in the Relationship between Perceived Task Difficulty and Invested Mental Effort

Means of participation

  1. Engaging “silent” students in classroom discussions
  2. Opening the Gateway to Oral Participation
  3. Analysing student talk in whole-class teaching
  4. Exploring the relationship between metacognitive and collaborative talk during group mathematical problem-solving
  5. A Comparison of Choral and Individual Responding
  6. Cooperative Learning and Achievement

Checking for listening

  1. Investigating attention contagion between students in a lecture hall
  2. Attention contagion online
  3. Listen up, kids! How mind wandering affects immediate and delayed memory in children

Checking for understanding

  1. Embedding formative assessment
  2. The Dunning-Kruger Effect
  3. The “curse of knowledge” when predicting others’ knowledge
  4. Inside the Black Box
  5. An analysis of undergraduate core material in the light of hand-held computer algebra systems (Pointon and Sangwin’s question taxonomy
  6. Wait Time: Slowing Down May Be A Way of Speeding Up
  7. Self-explaining: The dual processes of generating inferences and repairing mental models
  8. Effective Questioning and Responding in the Mathematics Classroom
  9. A Study of Students’ Readiness to Learn Calculus
  10. Student-generated examples in the learning of mathematics
  11. Learning about Functions through Learner-Generated Examples

Multiple-choice questions

  1. Using Diagnostic Classroom Assessment: One Question at a Time
  2. Diagnostic Questions: Is There Value in Just One?
  3. Feedback enhances the positive effects and reduces the negative effects of multiple-choice testing
  4. The memorial consequences of multiple-choice testing
  5. Optimizing Multiple-Choice Questions for Retrieval Practice
  6. The Derring Effect: Deliberate Errors Enhance Learning
  7. Developing, Analyzing, and Using Distractors for Multiple-Choice Tests in Education
  8. The Impact of item flaws, testing at low cognitive level, and low distractor functioning on multiple-choice question quality
  9. Constructing Written Test Questions For the Basic and Clinical Sciences
  10. Nonfunctional distractor analysis: An indicator for quality of Multiple choice questions
  11. Three Options Are Optimal for Multiple-Choice Items
  12. Evaluating the Quality of Higher Education Instructor-Constructed Multiple-Choice Tests
  13. Kahoot! Game-based digital learning platform


  1. Learning from errors and failure in educational contexts
  2. The Derring Effect: Deliberate Errors Enhance Learning


  1. Learning from Errors
  2. Long-term hypercorrection, return errors, and the transfer of learning in the classroom
  3. School students’ confidence when answering diagnostic questions online

Modelling and Worked examples

  1. Teaching with Worked Examples – Why the Selection of Problems for Exemplification is Critical
  2. A Meta‑analysis of the Worked Examples Effect on Mathematics Performance
  3. Worked Examples Moderate the Effect of Math Learning Anxiety
  4. Instructing students on effective sequences of examples and problems
  5. Low-Inference Verbal Behaviors Related to Teacher Clarity
  6. Two meta-analyses exploring the relationship between teacher clarity and student learning
  7. Keep it Coherent: A Meta-Analysis of the Seductive Details Effect
  8. The lure of seductive details during lecture learning
  9. Different types of redundancy and their effect on learning and cognitive load
  10. Using multimedia for e-learning
  11. Five ways to increase the effectiveness of instructional video
  12. Watching videos of a drawing hand improves students’ understanding of the normal probability distribution
  13. Reducing cognitive load by mixing auditory and visual presentation modes
  14. A meta-analysis of signaling principle in multimedia learning environments
  15. Learning Styles: Concepts and Evidence

Practice and problem-solving

  1. Teachers’ use of time and student achievement
  2. Cognitive endurance as human capital
  3. An astonishing regularity in student learning rate
  4. Problem-solving in the mathematics curriculum
  5. Learning to think mathematically
  6. Critical thinking – why is it so hard to teach?

Memory and retrieval

  1. A new theory of disuse
  2. On the Symbiosis of Learning and Forgetting
  3. Replication and Analysis of Ebbinghaus ’Forgetting Curve
  4. Learning Versus Performance: An Integrative Review
  5. Retrieving better: A guide to retrieval practice
  6. Retrieval Practice “in the Wild”
  7. Change in Students’ Educational Expectations
  8. The effect of hint strength on the benefits of retrieval practice

Desirable difficulties

  1. Making Things Hard on Yourself, But in a Good Way: Creating Desirable Difficulties to Enhance Learning
  2. The Relation Between Perceived Mental Effort, Monitoring Judgments, and Learning Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis
  3. Testing (Quizzing) Boosts Classroom Learning
  4. Using Spacing to Enhance Diverse Forms of Learning
  5. Understanding performance in test taking: The role of question difficulty order
  6. Spacing and Interleaving of Study and Practice
  7. Spacing and Interleaving Effects Require Distinct Theoretical Bases
  8. Optimal spacing schedule
  9. Initial Practice Performance Moderates the Distributed Practice Effect in Complex Procedural Knowledge
  10. A randomised control trial of interleaved maths practice
  11. Pretesting Enhances Learning in the Classroom
  12. Effects of initial context processing on long-term memory
  13. Strengthening the Student Toolbox
  14. Improving Students’ Learning With Effective Learning Techniques: Promising Directions From Cognitive and Educational Psychology

Homework, marking and feedback

  1. A marked improvement? A review of the evidence on written marking
  2. Homework literature review
  3. Adolescents’ Homework Performance in Mathematics and Science
  4. Homework Works if Homework Quality Is High
  5. Should parents be involved in their children’s schooling?
  6. Effects of Temporary Mark Withholding on Academic Performance